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Item-to-Item Recommenders

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Item-to-Item Recommenders

Recommending similar items based on user preferred items is a simple and effective recommendation strategy. Gorse has implemented item-to-item recommenders that supports embedding similarity, tags similarity and users similarity.


The new item-to-item recommenders need to be explicitly configured. The following three fields need to be filled in:

  • name is the name of the recommender.
  • type is the similarity type, and the following values are supported:
    • embedding is the Euclidean distance between embedding vectors.
    • tags is the similarity based on the number of common tags.
    • users is the similarity based on the number of common users.
  • column is the field used by the recommender to calculate the similarity, expressed in the Expropen in new window language. Suppose the embedding vectors of the README of GitHub repositories are stored in the embedding field of Labels, and the tags are stored in the topics field:
    "ItemId": "gorse-io:gorse",
    "IsHidden": false,
    "Categories": [],
    "Timestamp": "2022-10-23T03:50:24Z",
    "Labels": {
        "embedding": [0.0017246103, -0.009725488, 0.005806058, -0.0187753, -0.015343021, ...],
        "topics": ["machine-learning", "service", "recommender", "go", "recommender-system", "knn", "collaborative-filtering"]
    "Comment": "An open source recommender system service written in Go"

If embedding similarity is used, the value of column should be item.Labels.embedding; if tags similarity is used, the value of column should be item.Labels.topics. When type is embedding or tags, column cannot be empty. However, when type is users, column must be empty.


Embedding Similarity

There are KK-dimensional embedding vectors pp and qq for two items respectively, the embedding similarity between them is

k=1K(pkqk)2 \sqrt{\sum^K_{k=1}(p_k-q_k)^2}

The dimension of embedding vectors is usually relatively large. For example, the text-embedding-3-small model of OpenAI generates embedding vectors with 1536 dimensions. Using embedding vectors requires more disk space and memory compared to tags. Compared with tags similarity, encoding text and images into embedding vectors can eliminate the cost of manual tags maintenance or automatic tags generation, and the similarity calculated by embedding vectors is more accurate. Embedding vectors can be generated from APIs provided by AI providers such as OpenAI and Anthropic, or self-deployed projects like Ollamaopen in new window and CLIP-as-serviceopen in new window.

Tags Similarity

Tags similarity holds that the more overlapping tags there are between items, the more similar they are. First, calculate the TF-IDF of each tag

wl=log(IIl) w_l=-\log\left(\frac{|I|}{|I_l|}\right)

where I|I| represents the total number of items, and IlI_l represents the number of items labeled with tag ll. If a tag is used by more items, it is more general and thus has a lower weight. Then, calculate the tags similarity between items

lLiLjwllLiwl2lLjwl2 \frac{\sum_{l\in L_i \cap L_j}w_l}{\sqrt{\sum_{l\in L_i}w_l^2}\sqrt{\sum_{l\in L_j}w_l^2}}

where LiL_i and LjL_j represent the tag sets of item ii and item jj respectively. Although tag similarity is not as accurate as embedding similarity, it can help users discover more content that has similarities but also differences.

Users Similarity

Users similarity believes that the more overlapping users there are between items, the more similar they are. Similarly, first, it is necessary to calculate the TF-IDF of each user

wu=log(IIu) w_u = -\log\left(\frac{|I|}{|I_u|}\right)

where I|I| represents the total number of items, and Iu|I_u| represents the number of items liked by user uu. Then, calculate the user similarity between items

uUiUjwuuUiwu2uUjwu2 \frac{\sum_{u\in U_i \cap U_j}w_u}{\sqrt{\sum_{u\in U_i}w_u^2}\sqrt{\sum_{u\in U_j}w_u^2}}

where UiU_i and UjU_j represent the user sets of item ii and item jj respectively. One drawback of users similarity is that it tends to recommend popular items because popular items always have a high overlap of users with other items.


You can access item-to-item recommendations through the following API:

curl http://localhost:8087/api/item-to-item/<name>/<item-id>


Take the dataset of the demo project GitRecopen in new window as an example. The embedding vectors of the README file of GitHub projects are stored in the embedding field, and the tags are saved in the topics field.

    "ItemId": "gorse-io:gorse",
    "IsHidden": false,
    "Categories": [],
    "Timestamp": "2022-10-23T03:50:24Z",
    "Labels": {
        "embedding": [0.0017246103, -0.009725488, 0.005806058, -0.0187753, -0.015343021, ...],
        "topics": ["machine-learning", "service", "recommender", "go", "recommender-system", "knn", "collaborative-filtering"]
    "Comment": "An open source recommender system service written in Go"

The configuration entry of an embedding similarity based item-to-item recommender:

name = "similar_embedding"
type = "embedding"
column = "item.Labels.embedding"

The configuration entry of a tags similarity based item-to-item recommender:

name = "similar_topics"
type = "tags"
column = "item.Labels.topics"