Quick Start
Quick Start
This guide walks you through the quickest way to setup a recommender system for GitHub repositories based on dataset from GitRec. Make sure you have installed the following softwares at the beginning:
- Docker, nodes will run in containers.
- Docker Compose, nodes will be orchestrated by Docker Compose.
Setup Gorse
Gorse supports to be single node or multiple nodes. This section demonstrates how to setup a minimal usable Gorse single node via playground and a multiple nodes cluster via Docker Compose.
Option 1: Setup Gorse-in-one node via Playground
Use the following command to setup a Gorse all-in-one node.
curl -fsSL https://gorse.io/playground | bash
docker run -p 8088:8088 zhenghaoz/gorse-in-one --playground
For Gorse-in-one, the RESTful endpoint is
Option 2: Setup Gorse Cluster via Docker Compose
There is an example docker-compose.yml consists of a master node, a server node and a worker node, a Redis instance, and a MySQL instance.
- Download docker-compose.yml and the config file config.toml.
# Create a new directory
mkdir gorse
cd gorse
# Download docker-compose.yml and config.toml
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zhenghaoz/gorse/release-0.4/docker-compose.yml
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zhenghaoz/gorse/release-0.4/config/config.toml
- Setup the Gorse cluster using Docker Compose.
docker-compose up -d
Expected outputs
Creating network "gorse_default" with the default driver
Creating gorse_worker_1 ... done
Creating gorse_master_1 ... done
Creating gorse_mysql_1 ... done
Creating gorse_server_1 ... done
Creating gorse_redis_1 ... done
- Download the SQL file github.sql and import to the MySQL instance. This dataset consists of GitHub users, GitHub repositories and interactions between users and repositories.
# Download sample data.
wget https://cdn.gorse.io/example/github.sql
# Import sample data.
mysql -h -u gorse -pgorse_pass gorse < github.sql
There are three kinds of interactions (called "feedbacks" in Gorse) between users and repositories in this dataset.
Feedback Type | Description |
star | A user "starred" a repository in GitHub |
read | A user read a repository in GitRec |
like | A user "liked" a repository in GitRec |
In the configuration file, "read" belongs to read_feedback_types
while "star" and “like” belong to positive_feedback_types
# The feedback types for positive events.
positive_feedback_types = ["star","like"]
# The feedback types for read events.
read_feedback_types = ["read"]
- Restart the master node to reload imported data immediately.
docker-compose restart
Expected outputs
Restarting gorse_redis_1 ... done
Restarting gorse_mysql_1 ... done
Restarting gorse_master_1 ... done
Restarting gorse_server_1 ... done
Restarting gorse_worker_1 ... done
Get Recommendation
Gorse generate recommendations for users after feedbacks from users are inserted.
Open in browser and the dashboard summarizes all status and data in Gorse.

Wait for all tasks except "Searching collaborative filtering model" and "Searching click-through prediction model" completed.

Suppose Bob is a frontend developers who starred several frontend repositories in GitHub. We insert his star feedback to Gorse via the RESTful API.
read -d '' JSON << EOF
{ \"FeedbackType\": \"star\", \"UserId\": \"bob\", \"ItemId\": \"vuejs:vue\", \"Timestamp\": \"2022-02-24\" },
{ \"FeedbackType\": \"star\", \"UserId\": \"bob\", \"ItemId\": \"d3:d3\", \"Timestamp\": \"2022-02-25\" },
{ \"FeedbackType\": \"star\", \"UserId\": \"bob\", \"ItemId\": \"dogfalo:materialize\", \"Timestamp\": \"2022-02-26\" },
{ \"FeedbackType\": \"star\", \"UserId\": \"bob\", \"ItemId\": \"mozilla:pdf.js\", \"Timestamp\": \"2022-02-27\" },
{ \"FeedbackType\": \"star\", \"UserId\": \"bob\", \"ItemId\": \"moment:moment\", \"Timestamp\": \"2022-02-28\" }
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d "$JSON"
Expected outputs
"RowAffected": 5
Then, fetch 10 recommended items from Gorse. We can found frontend related repositories are recommended for Bob.
Expected outputs: